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      How we work

      We never lose sight of the people we serve or the possibilities science provides.
      We work with external partners across our entire business, combining external innovation with internal expertise, to deliver transformative outcomes for patients, healthcare professionals and healthcare systems.
      Patients have always been at the heart of everything we do. To aid patients who are growing increasingly involved in choosing their healthcare options, our Patient Engagement division partners directly with patients and caregivers as we develop medicines, improve clinical trials and create educational materials and support programs
      We’re committed to providing access to investigational medicines outside of clinical trials.
      Patient resources
      We partner with patients and caregivers throughout the product lifecycle. This accelerates research and develops patient-inspired innovation and solutions beyond the product.
      We value transparency as the basis of trust building with with stakeholders and strive to hold ourselves accountable by providing information about how we function across our operating companies and markets.