Justin Scheer, Ph.D. is Vice President of Gene Therapy and Gene Delivery Platforms for Janssen BioTherapeutics (JBIO), the biotherapeutics engine of Janssen Research & Development. He is responsible for establishing and leading a group that is dedicated to Gene Therapy and Gene Delivery platform development for Ophthalmological, Neurosciences and Infectious Disease. Justin and his team deliver fit-for-purpose, differentiated lead molecules, packaged in the appropriate vector, to achieve the desired expression levels in appropriate tissues or organs. Justin is also responsible for developing a competitive strategy and maintaining state-of-the-art expertise and capabilities in the field of Gene Therapy/Delivery.
Justin reports to Sanjaya Singh, Global Head, JBIO, and serves on the JBIO Leadership Team. He is based in South San Francisco, California.
Justin has broad scientific background in the biotechnology/pharmaceutical industry and is a recognized leader in ophthalmology delivery technology. He has a record of accomplishment advancing biotherapeutic molecular candidates and new platform technologies from early stage research into development at both Boehringer Ingelheim and Genentech. Prior to his role with Janssen, Justin was Executive Director of Biotherapeutics Engineering and Computational Biochemistry and Bioinformatics and Co-chair of the Early Stage Portfolio Committee at Boehringer Ingelheim.
Justin earned a B.A. in Biology from Carroll College, Helena, Montana, as well as a Ph.D. in Biophysics and Biochemistry from Washington State University and the Institute of Biologics Chemistry. He completed an NIH Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the University of California, San Francisco, and is an inventor on 17 issued and more than 35 pending patents, and an author on more than 35 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters.