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      3. Better Access to Tuberculosis Treatment for Low Income Countries

      Better Access to Tuberculosis Treatment for Low Income Countries

      29 April, 2014 – Janssen (Janssen Pharmaceutica NV) has entered into a novel collaboration with the Stichting International Dispensary Association (IDA), a procurement agent for the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility (GDF) to facilitate access to its anti-tuberculosis medicine. More than 130 low- and middle-income countries will now be able to buy this new anti-tuberculosis medicine through the procurement processes of Global Drug Facility and its agent, the International Dispensary Association.

      The newly formed Janssen Global Public Health was the driving force within the company to establish this public-private partnership.

      “We are committed to enhancing access to medicines through public-private partnerships, differentiated pricing and responsible use and distribution of medicines,” said Adrian Thomas, M.D., Vice President of Global Market Access at Janssen. “We believe that the collaboration with the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility is a good example of how we can contribute to the collective global access response for public health medicines.”

      Janssen has a long legacy of working to improve access to and appropriate use of medicines for diseases of great unmet need, including HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and other diseases impacting the developing world and emerging markets.

      “Our goal is to work with the GDF to facilitate access while ensuring appropriate use of medicines” says Wim Parys, Head R&D, Global Public Health at Janssen.

      Johnson & Johnson, the parent company of Janssen, is committed to advancing global health. Its family of companies has launched and continues to support a variety of comprehensive efforts toward strengthening the health of communities, improving maternal and child health, and preventing the spread of infectious and preventable diseases worldwide. Janssen Global Public Health is contributing to this overarching goal of the enterprise.