- Belgium
- Diversity and inclusion
Diversity and inclusion
At Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine, we believe in the power of diversity. We are building a diverse, equal and inclusive work environment in which everyone feels welcome. This is reflected in our credo, which states that we create an inclusive work environment in which each person is treated as an individual. We believe that different views, cultures, knowledge and experiences lead to surprising new insights and innovative solutions for patients. Together, we can create a better, healthier world.
Our employees in the Benelux represent more than 70 different nationalities, but diversity goes beyond nationality. We encourage diversity and inclusion in all its forms: for example in terms of age, gender, background, religion and sexual orientation. With equal opportunities for everyone, so that all our employees feel valued.

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I aspire to further increase the number of professionals with a migration background and the number of women in leadership positions, aiming for a work force that represents the demographics of the society we live in.””
In our search for talent, we launched an interview series with A Seat At The Table that brings together Janssen employees and young talent with diverse backgrounds. Through “Have a Seat: Conversations about Diversity and Inclusion”, we put the efforts of Janssen to diversify and broaden our talent pool in the spotlight.
Watch the first episode below to discover how Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine’s CEO, Kris Sterkens, and ASATT young talent, Lusine Harutyunyan, envision a more inclusive and diverse work environment.

Initiatives of our employeesThere are many different views and cultures within our organization. J&J Belgium therefore has five different Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) that with their insights help us to move forward as an organisation: the Alliance for Diverse Abilities (ADA), African Ancestry Leadership Council (AALC), HOLA (Hispanics and Latino), SAPNA (Asian Professional Network), Open & Out (LGBTQIA+), GenerationNow and Women’s Leadership & Inclusion. In addition, we have two active employee networks: the Experiences Professionals Network (50+) and the New Millenials Soundboard group. Both the ERGs and the employee networks are groups of employees with a common purpose, background or identity and they actively work to raise awareness and promote diversity and inclusion. They provide a broad perspective with an eye for different views, cultures, knowledge and experiences. Want to know more about the ERGs and employee networks? Read more on our Instagram channel
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Sustainable Development goals: reducing inequality and achieving gender equalityWith our active Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policy, we contribute to the achievement of two Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United nations: the goal to reduce inequality and the goal for gender equality. Want to learn more about how we are committed to these Sustainable Development Goals? Find out more about SDG 10: Reducing Inequality
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