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      1. Lithuania/
      2. About us
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      About us

      Advancing science for the benefit of patients
      We are looking at a future where the world of healthcare will be challenged by informed and empowered patients. We work for change that will improve access to medicines : the best available treatment at an affordable price. That’s why we at Janssen strive to provide access to effective and affordable medicines and related health care services to the people who need them.

      Partnering with academic researchers around the world, we bring innovative therapeutic solutions to key unmet needs. Our approach seeks to combine complementary skills. Building strong working partnerships with governments, patient groups, healthcare professionals, and other professionals from the global academic and business communities.

      Our mission is to make the most fundamental change in the way diseases are managed. We have a leading portfolio of solutions that can alleviate, contain or cure some of the world’s most serious conditions and diseases.

      But we go one step further in our commitment. We are building great healthcare solutions that will bring benefits to patients and add value to society and our company’s stakeholders. We want to develop innovative and integrated products and medicines to restore and extend the quality of life. We also want to provide a return on investment that reflects outstanding performance and to reward those who invest ideas and work in our company.

      To ensure that we can deliver our commitments to patients, customers and investors who rely on us, we work side-by-side with healthcare stakeholders and build on our people’s talent. Together, we are looking at a future where patients and their families have a new sense of hope. Hope for a cure.
      Our mission is to transform individual lives
      We are actively developing treatments for our patients in five important therapeutic areas of healthcare :
      We will develop sustainable and integrated healthcare solutions by working side-by-side with patients, healthcare professionals and other stakeholders who rely on us. We are focused on operating in transparency and on building trust by listening to the people involved in healthcare decisions.

      That’s why we at Janssen will continue to invest in our people. We monitor individual progress and fill management positions predominantly from within our own ranks, so that personal aspirations become a reality. At Janssen we believe that we are building our leaders of the future. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that people everywhere in the world have a new sense of hope : access to innovative treatments and quality healthcare.

      Learn more about our partnerships
      As part of the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies, the values that guide our decision-making are spelled out in Our Credo. Put simply, Our Credo challenges us to put the needs and well-being of the people we serve first.
      Contact us
      • Susisiekite su mumis
        Konstitucijos pr. 21C, LT-08130 Vilnius, Lietuva

        Verslo centras QUADRUM North, 5 aukštas
        Tel. +370 5 278 6888 Faks. +370 5 278 6889
        [email protected]
      • Contact us
        Konstitucijos av. 21C, LT-08130 Vilnius, Lithuania

        Business Center Quadrum North, 5th floor
        Tel +370 5 278 6888 Fax +370 5 278 6889
        [email protected]