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      1. EMEA/
      2. About us/
      3. Our responsibilities /
      4. Our responsibility to patients

      Our responsibility to patients

      Your health is the reason we come to work each day. Patients are experts by experience and at the heart of what we do. We understand that transformative medicines go hand-in-hand with easily available information, so that you feel empowered and in control of your healthcare.

      Find out more about how we collaborate with patients and patient advocacy groups, and how we can help you deal with the challenges that disease presents.
      Your wellbeing is the reason we come to work each day.

      J&J Innovative Medicine is fully committed to providing high-quality products and services to healthcare professionals, patients, carers and their families. Simply put, we always place the needs and wellbeing of the people we serve first.
      As a company, our first responsibility is to our patients – to provide them with the best medicines that have the biggest positive impact on their health and wellbeing. In order to do this we must have a deep understanding of their needs and engage in an ongoing dialogue to develop solutions that create better outcomes for all.”
      Kris Sterkens
      Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine EMEA Company Group Chairman
      We work for you, but also with you
      Patients have always been at the centre of what we do. However, your role as a patient is changing, as patients become more involved, educated and engaged in their healthcare.

      We’re adapting to this change by engaging directly with patients and caregivers to develop solutions that better meet needs, improve outcomes, and are available to patients sooner.

      We define patient engagement as partnering with patients and caregivers, and interacting directly with them throughout the product lifecycle. This accelerates research and develops patient-inspired innovation and solutions beyond the product.

      Our strategy features four pillars:
      • Differentiated treatments
        Differentiated treatments that lead to better outcomes by acting on the patient’s perspective early and across the lifecycle
      • Inclusion of the patient’s voice
        Inclusion of the patient’s voice in clinical trial protocols to improve patient experience and accelerate research
      • Collaboration with patients
        Collaboration with patients to develop tailored solutions to empower people to manage their disease
      • Shaping regulatory policies
        Shaping regulatory policies and the field of patient engagement to enhance the patient’s voice globally
      Guided by the values in Our Credo, we apply high ethical standards in all areas of our business.
      By co-creating solutions together with patients and by empowering people who live with certain conditions to better manage their lives and treatments, we can build more sustainable healthcare.”
      Daniel De Schryver
      EMEA Patient Engagement Leader, Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine

      September 2024