- How we work
- Collaborations
At Johnson & Johnson, we collaborate with external partners across our entire business because we believe that partnering with others helps us to do some of our best work.
We’re committed to partnering to develop solutions that bring value to patients, healthcare professionals and healthcare systems across the region. Whoever we work with, we have one goal: to create a future where disease is a thing of the past.
We’re committed to partnering to develop solutions that bring value to patients, healthcare professionals and healthcare systems across the region. Whoever we work with, we have one goal: to create a future where disease is a thing of the past.
Working together to solve the world’s greatest healthcare problems

Why we collaborate
Healthcare is set to rapidly evolve over the next decade. We think that working with people outside our business is key to staying at the forefront of this change.
That’s why, every day, we work closely with scientists, technology experts and various other professionals from diverse backgrounds to develop and market new products, to help patients and healthcare professionals all over the world.
Our alliances take many forms, but our goal is always the same: to advance scientific research or commercial innovation, to deliver solutions that provide value to patients, physicians and healthcare systems around the world.
Our mission is to use heart, science and ingenuity to create transformational medicines to improve the health of humanity.
That’s why, every day, we work closely with scientists, technology experts and various other professionals from diverse backgrounds to develop and market new products, to help patients and healthcare professionals all over the world.
Our alliances take many forms, but our goal is always the same: to advance scientific research or commercial innovation, to deliver solutions that provide value to patients, physicians and healthcare systems around the world.
Our mission is to use heart, science and ingenuity to create transformational medicines to improve the health of humanity.
Patients are always at the heart of our decision-making. Working collaboratively with patient advocacy groups and patient organisations deepens our understanding of patients and their needs.
We work with a variety of companies and institutions, such as cross-industry bodies, research organisations, biotech companies, government institutions and NGOs. Regardless of who we partner with, the goal is always the same: to advance health outcomes for all.