- How we work
- Transparency
- Continuous professional development of HCP
Continuous professional development of healthcare professionals

Our CPD (also known as Continuous Medical Education or CME) activities are tightly regulated and transparent. For us, there are three types of activities:

The educational meetings we support must foster scientific exchange and disseminate the latest standards of care to facilitate safe and effective treatment for patients. Some of these meetings are qualified by accreditation bodies, and some are not

Some of the key points:
Meetings are non-promotional: The majority of the educational meetings produced by Janssen do not focus on a single drug but on disease areas. Only International Nonproprietary Names (INN) of medicines are used and any discussions about specific treatments are balanced and fact-based.
Content: The content and programme of meetings are developed by external independent expert Scientific Committees and/or Medical Associations. They select the topics that they judge to be educationally relevant, and choose the presenters to lead the sessions. The speakers are solely responsible for their presentations; Janssen only reviews them to ensure up-to-date, fair and balanced information about our products when presented.
Conflicts of interest: All speakers are asked to declare which pharmaceutical companies have paid them and in what capacity, e.g. as presenters, sitting on advisory boards, congress participation, etc.
Format: The key focus of these meetings is science and the agenda must reflect this. The location must be appropriate for the business purpose and the hospitality provided must be modest, secondary to the main purpose of the meeting. The amount of time spent on the scientific programme far exceeds the break times. We do not provide entertainment.
External validation: To ensure the quality of the education and training provided, we cooperate with external independent educational bodies at both country and European levels. We work with the director of adult education at the Karolinska Institute to ensure that the programmes designed by the independent Scientific Committees include adult learning principles in order to inspire the active engagement of the delegates. All meetings are built solely on educational objectives as defined by the Scientific Committees.

Along with other pharmaceutical companies, Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine takes part of the responsibility here. Janssen’s selection process is transparent, and is based on HCPs’ educational needs or active involvement in a particular meeting or event.