- UK
- How we work
- Collaborations
At Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine, we are always looking for opportunities to partner with the NHS, healthcare professionals, and commercial and non-profit organisations across human health.
We believe that partnering with others helps us to do some of our best work — we invest to transform patient outcomes and promote change where it is needed the most.
Together, we can help put an end to the most significant healthcare challenges facing patients and their families.
We believe that partnering with others helps us to do some of our best work — we invest to transform patient outcomes and promote change where it is needed the most.
Together, we can help put an end to the most significant healthcare challenges facing patients and their families.
Working together to discover and develop solutions for healthcare challenges

Why we collaborate
Healthcare is set to rapidly evolve over the next decade. We think that working with people outside our business is key to staying at the forefront of this change.
Collaborative working must either enhance patient care and be for the benefit of patients, or alternatively, benefit the NHS and as a minimum, maintain patient care.
Our partnerships take many forms, but our goal is always the same — to deliver solutions that provide value to patients, physicians and healthcare systems.
Collaborative working must either enhance patient care and be for the benefit of patients, or alternatively, benefit the NHS and as a minimum, maintain patient care.
Our partnerships take many forms, but our goal is always the same — to deliver solutions that provide value to patients, physicians and healthcare systems.
Patients are always at the heart of our decision-making. Working collaboratively with patient advocacy groups and patient organisations deepens our understanding of patients and their needs.
We work with a variety of individuals and groups, such as NHS, cross-industry bodies and technology companies. Regardless of who we partner with, the goal is always the same — to advance health outcomes for all.